Common Video File Formats
August 20, 2024

Common Video File Formats

Video file extensions are codes that identify the file format of a video. There are many different video file extensions, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Some of the most common video file extensions include:

  • .mp4: This is the most common video file extension, and it is supported by most devices and video players.
  • .avi: This is an older video file extension that is still supported by many devices and video players.
  • .mov: This is a video file extension that is commonly used by Apple devices.
  • .wmv: This is a video file extension that is commonly used by Windows computers.
  • .flv: This is a video file extension that is commonly used by Adobe Flash Player.
  • .mkv: This is a video file extension that can store multiple video and audio tracks in a single file.

The best video file extension for you will depend on your needs. If you need a video file that is compatible with most devices and video players, then .mp4 is a good choice. If you need a video file that can store multiple video and audio tracks, then .mkv is a good choice.

Here are some additional things to consider when choosing a video file extension:

  • File size: Some video file extensions are larger than others.
  • Video quality: Some video file extensions offer better video quality than others.
  • Compatibility: Some video file extensions are compatible with more devices and video players than others.

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